Mini-book: Modern Software Delivery
The rapid pace of change across IT leaves many organizations struggling to keep up. The complementary practices of Continuous Delivery, Operability, and Site Reliability Engineering (SRE) offer proven ways to make software delivery effective and responsive.
At Conflux, we’ve been leading industry thinking and practices for many years though our consulting, training, and publications. We’re excited to present this collection of articles relating to modern software delivery in association with TechBeacon.
All the articles first appeared on and are reproduced here with permission.
In this mini-book:
9 ways organizations screw up continuous delivery
How to find the right DevOps tools for your team
5 proven operability techniques for software teams
Adapt ITIL to DevOps with continual service transition
5 ways site reliability engineering transforms IT Ops
SRE in practice: 5 insights from Google's experience
Sample pages
About the author
Matthew Skelton is the co-author of the book Team Topologies. He specializes in Continuous Delivery, operability, and organization dynamics for software in manufacturing, ecommerce, and online services, including cloud, IoT, and embedded software.
Matthew Skelton